Titles Available for Purchase
6 videos | Buy $24.99
Speed Masterclass
6 videos | Buy $24.99
This speed masterclass will improve your on-court speed, make you execute skills on the court with better balance & protect you from injury.
Over 6 weeks you will increase your on-court speed with a set of dedicated drills which will become harder every week to ensure you are progressing.
6 videos | Buy $24.99
Footwork Masterclass
6 videos | Buy $24.99
This masterclass is designed to improve your first-step speed and your ability to stop and change direction more effectively. It focuses specifically on one core area of your tennis – better and faster footwork.
Over 6 weeks you will practice your footwork with a set of dedicated drills which wi...
7 videos | Buy $19.99
Yellow Ball Fitness Masterclass
7 videos | Buy $19.99
Maximise your yellow ball tennis performance - focussing on skill, speed and strength. This workout programme covers all the components that you as a tennis player need to reach your athletic potential, with a special focus on skill, speed and strength.
7 videos | Buy $19.99
10&U Green Ball Fitness Masterclass
7 videos | Buy $19.99
This intense 6-week workout is for 10&U players looking to get fitter, faster and stronger - the right way.
This workout takes the fundamental strength, speed and agility fitness skills that you have developed to the next level. It will help maximise your tennis progress as it supports and prepa...